Sawmill Alignment Kit

Sawmill Alignment Kit

Jig transit and micrometer are required and not included with the kit. 

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Sawmills everywhere are faced with demands for tighter tolerances and increased production on aging machinery. But one common problem is often overlooked in this quest for higher performance: machine alignment. Poorly aligned equipment is a hidden drain on time and money. It is a major contributor to breakdowns, lost production and waste. Now, a simple, fast and affordable in-house solution is available.

Critical sawmill quality measurements of Recovery, Deviation and Wedge are greatly improved through optical alignment. This solution can be applied to all sawmill machine centers, some of which include primary breakdown lines, secondary breakdown lines, head rigs, horizontal re-saws, edgers, trimmers, gang saws and planers. Implementing the system takes no time as millwrights already have the necessary skills. Take your mill maintenance program to the next level with the Sawmill Alignment Kit.

Please note: A jig transit and micrometer are required and not included with the kit.

Sawmill Alignment Kit Components

Sawmill alignment kit components

Legend Description
A 802-S cross slide
B 568 shaft squareness target
C 567 V-block/scale holder
D 567-A magnetic scale holder
E 6020 20" scale or 6500M 500 mm scale
F 6010 10" scale or 6250M 250 mm scale
G 6005 5" scale or 6130M 130 mm scale
- Rugged case (not pictured)